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Case Studies

CfD Merchant Nose PPA secured for British Solar Renewables

0.00 KB 25 downloads

BSR utilised the Renewable Exchange platform to optimise the initial PPA for their Aller Langport project, securing a competitive price from the market and contracting via the Lightning PPA


Koehler Renewable Energy Case Study

1247 23 downloads

After completing a successful tender for 6 of their UK hydro assets, Koehler decided to take advantage of Renewable Exchange’s expansion into Germany to assist in their PPA strategy for their first German wind project.


CleanEarth Energy - 46 PPAs locked in beyond 2024

532.0 kB 62 downloads

CleanEarth Energy - one of the UK’s leading renewable energy developers, owners and operators with over 500 wind and solar PV assets installed across the country - uses the Renewable Exchange platform to achieve the most competitive PPA prices and capture the highest market value for their assets.

In August 2022, CleanEarth executed a portfolio PPA tender with 46 sites of mixed technologies and locked in fantastic PPA prices within minutes online by using the Lightning PPA.


Resonance Asset Management - 21 wind PPAs secured in minutes

420.0 kB 39 downloads

Resonance Asset Management manages funds consisting of small and medium-sized wind farms across England, Scotland and Wales. In June 2022, Resonance used the Renewable Exchange platform to execute PPAs for 21 wind sites across two portfolio tenders.


ABO Wind - wind portfolio in Germany

633.80 KB 433 downloads

ABO Wind, a global project developer for renewable energies, chose Renewable Exchange to tender their first post-subsidy PPA for portfolio of wind sites coming off the German Government's support scheme (EEG). The site consisted of 7 wind turbines with a cumulative capacity of 4.2MW.


Egni Co-op - community energy group

638.22 KB 55 downloads

Egni Co-op is a community energy group which owns and manages 25 solar assets. They tendered and executed PPAs for all 25 sites at once thanks to the Lightning PPA standardised contract.


Blackfinch Energy

206.40 KB 68 downloads

Asset portfolio with 23 wind sites tendered through the Renewable Exchange platform and secured PPAs with 5 different creditworthy offtakers.
Blackfinch Energy is one of the early adopters of the Renewable Exchange platform and successfully tendered their PPAs multiple times using the PPA online marketplace.

    Market Reports

    Getting ready for the CfD AR6 auction

    0.00 KB 16 downloads

    Pre-auction and Post-auction strategies & services


    PPA Market Report 2023 - 2024

    7.60 MB 437 downloads

    We are excited to share our first annual PPA report for the UK market. The report highlights key pricing trends for short- and long-term utility PPAs, and provides an overview of the year's REGO market developments and industry news.


    CfD PPAs - a brief explanation

    1.56 MB 164 downloads

    In this brief info sheet, we look at how to best structure your PPA if you've guaranteed a Contract for Difference. What type of Power Purchase Agreements should you look for and why it's important to still aim for the best PPA price.


    Variable-price PPA vs fixed-price PPA (infographic)

    186.13 KB 524 downloads

    Do you know the difference between the fixed-price and variable-price PPAs? Do you know which one is the right option for you? Use this infographic to quickly understand how variable-price and fixed-price PPAs differ and compare.