ABO Wind chooses Renewable Exchange to secure their first post-EEG PPA in Germany
Utility PPA was secured for 7 wind turbinesFirst PPA executed in Germany via Renewable ExchangeRenewable Exchange’s smart PPA management solution helped ABO Wind access a highly-competitive PPA price and maximise power export revenue for the site Download this Case...
Prescient Capital renew PPAs and secure 80% price increase
Prescient Capital, a longstanding renewable energy investor, renewed power purchase agreements (PPAs) for their two 5MW solar sites through the Renewable Exchange platform last week capturing a revenue increase of over £400,000 per year across the two assets. This was...
Record numbers of solar generators tender PPAs as high prices continue
Record volumes of solar assets have tendered their PPA contracts on the platform in recent weeks. With wholesale power prices in the UK still running at very high levels, PPA bids received for all types of renewable energy technologies remain well above prices seen...
Egni Co-op simultaneously tender 25 solar sites
Egni Co-op simultaneously tendered 25 solar sites using the Renewable Exchange online PPA platform. (Bristol, September 2021) Egni Co-op is a renewable energy co-operative set up in 2013 by the Awel Aman Tawe community energy charity with the aim to fight...